Student Outcomes
At Academy31, we prayerfully labor together to see the following evidences of biblical womanhood in each of our graduates by God’s grace in accordance with our core values. Together, these outcomes combine for an overall readiness to thrive spiritually, vocationally, and relationally wherever the Lord leads her in higher education, the workplace, family, church, and community life.
Each desired outcome contains three progress markers that serve as the framework for helping our students set annual goals for their Personal Discipleship Plans:
-An unshakable faith in Christ as her Lord and Savior and a willing commitment to life-long discipleship and service through her local church (IDENTITY)
-An increasing love for the Lord that serves as her chief motivation in life and is evident to everyone around her (IDENTITY)
-A clear, secure identity as a daughter of the King and an understanding of how to leverage her God-given gifts and abilities to further His kingdom with integrity and excellence (IDENTITY)
-A strong knowledge of Scripture that has produced internalized convictions and a demonstrated ability to apply God’s truth to every area of life in practical ways with wisdom and discernment (WISDOM)
-A mastery of foundational skills for a high school graduate and an enthusiastic commitment to pursue lifelong intellectual growth (WISDOM)
-A creativity and resourcefulness in proactively identifying, solving, and preventing problems both large and small (WISDOM)
-An enduring bond with her classmates as fellow sisters in Christ and a mature, biblically-informed approach to relationships with the opposite sex (COMMUNITY)
-A tender heart of love and kindness that recognizes and responds to the needs around her in humble, self-sacrificial service (COMMUNITY)
-A passion for the lost and a confident ability to engage people from varying backgrounds in substantive gospel conversations (COMMUNITY)